Saturday, July 28, 2012

NOTD and Julep Order

Good evening! I hope you are all well.  Myself, I've had a terrible headache all day! Boo.   If that wasn't enough, while I was hanging out with my daughter on the sofa watching the Olympics, my 4 year old son decided to Febreeze the whole upstairs!  It wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't actually aiming it at electronics! He decided my smartphone AND my work cell should be doused!!! GRRR!!! I have it all in rice now, but I'm not holding my breath!  

So, I thought I would come and post some pretty things to make me feel a bit better. ;)  I wanted to share my nail of the day post with you.  This is Orange by Billie Cosmetics... it's so fun and vibrant I don't even know if it come across that way in the photos!  When I had this colour on I got compliments all day long and now it's my go to summer colour!  I bought the polish at a Dollar Tree for $1.25.  It's made in the USA if anyone is wondering. ;)

Here is a shot my husband took for me outside... it's incredibly orange!

It was a bit darker outside..but you can still see how orange it is at night! I could totally land planes with these hands!!

Next, I want to share with you my recent Julep order.  I decided to pick up a couple maven boxes that had colours that I wanted.  The first one is the June Boho Glam box which has Julep Daylight Defense with SPF 30 for hands and face, two polishes and a Julep Daylight Defense lip balm with SPF 15.

The two colours are Daisy; a bright lemon yellow creme and Robin; a robin's egg blue creme.

The second one is the June American Beauty box. It also had the daylight defense products and 2 nail colours.

The two colours are Courteney; a keylime green creme and Lily; a sizzling fuchsia creme.

The Julep Daylight Defense with SPF 30 is a one step solution for beautiful hands, nails and skin. It is fortified with Vitamin E to hydrate skin and strengthen nails.  The SPF helps to protect against fine lines and sun spots. I haven't opened it yet, so I couldn't tell you much about it, except that I should be using it. ;)

The lip balm smells like chocolate chip mint and has a nice minty feeling.  It helps to nourish, hydrate and protect your lips.  It has a really nice consistency and should work well beneath glosses and lipsticks.  Just don't try to eat it! Yes, it smells that good! ;)

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, I'll be on pins and needles waiting to see if I have to replace not ONE but TWO phones. *sigh* Little boys...



  1. Aww love the bright orange nails! The Julep colors are gorgeous, I am loving the blue and yellow:D

    1. Yes, I didn't think I would but once it was all on, it was love! :) Julep always has such pretty colours..but the yellow was a bit disappointing. :`(

  2. I need that orange polish it is amazing!

    1. Yes, it is seriously awesome! Do you have a Dollar Tree where you are? They're fairly new in Winnipeg!

  3. I love the orange!! I'm a huge Julep fan and Daisy is my favorite yellow!!

    Stopping by from the BBU hop and happy to be your newest follower.

    Stop by my blog if you get the chance :)

    xo, Jersey Girl

    1. Daisy, is a very nice mustard yellow..but I needed 3 coats to opaque. Thank you for following, I will check out your blog! :)

  4. Lily looks awesome! I have my fingers crossed for your phones. I can't believe he Febreezed both!

    1. I ended up getting a new work phone...sticking with my stained screen on my Android. :`( I went to upgrade...but they said I had to pay $220 for early upgrade...ugh! So, I'll wait a bit longer for that fee to go down.

  5. OMG, I hope your phone survives!

    Great orange colour on your nails. Boy is that bright. Your hand is coming off as ghostish white, maybe it's the picture or maybe the brightness of the orange, I don't know. But that orange is really gorgeous.

    1. The work phone died. I was able to upgrade for free because the contract was past thank goodness. It only cost $40 for the activation fee which I think is a joke if you're already activated on their plan. My smartphone soooort of survived. It has a "water stain" on the screen...but it's working and usable for now. :/

      As for my hand, it's really not that white..'s just the photo editing, it was hard with this camera hated it!! It really is a nice orange. Check out Dollar Tree for these polishes!

  6. BTW, you are my Fabulous blogger for the week :)

    1. Thank you so much, this is really touching! I will make sure to blog about that because I really appreciate things like this! :)

  7. Wet electronics are never a good sign but the rice trick works well. I love your blog! It's super awesome that you just got to 50 subscribers. I am starting my own beauty blog as well. Any tips! Thanks.

    1. It worked so so...but maybe the older phones weren't savvy to this trick! Thank you for joining my blog, it means a lot to me!!! :) Let me know if you need any advice you can definitely email me. I'll do my best. It's definitely a lot of work. I love using a lot of photos. Making them clear as you can is key, because no one wants to look at blurry pictures. Don't get too me. :P

  8. Water damaged screen, but usable... and because I don't want to pay the $220 upgrade fee, I'll have to suck it up for now. The work phone has been replaced..a smooth process!

    I do have a huge Julep collection!! I'll definitely do a sick and twisted collection
