Thursday, July 5, 2012

Yves Rocher - My First Experience

Back in May, I made my first order to Yves Rocher.  The company wasn't new to me because my mom obsessively ordered from them way back when they were a catalogue mailing company.  I still remember the white cardboard boxes with the green logos, the scratch for prizes tickets, coupons, free mom was seriously addicted to this stuff.  I don't know if it was the thrill of all the extra samples and goodies, the great prices or if she genuinely loved the product.  In any case, I have fond memories of it and I still have a large makeup tote she gave me.  I easily get suckered in by maybe that was her problem too!  I recently rediscovered them when I got an eye makeup remover in one of my beauty boxes. 

In any case,  this will be a post mainly just pictures.  I haven't really delved too deep into my goodies.  THAT my friends, is the beauty of being a shopaholic.  You buy much more than you can ever use... perhaps this is why I can never post those glorious "<insert month> empties" posts!

So, I picked up a few nail accessories since I'm really into that.  The orange sticks, I thought would be good for getting a nice line around the cuticle...but to be honest, I don't even know how to use these.  The second thing is one of those pencils that makes your nail look whiter.  I'm not entirely sure why I got this, since I mostly keep my nails painted.  I should keep it handy for the days I don't...because my "white" area is not very white.  The last thing that looks like a nail file is actually one of those 3 in 1 where you can buff an polish your nails... I used it and it's fantastic!!!! LOVE it.  TIP: Don't try and apply nail polish after you buff and polish your nails, lol!! You will fail!!
 They had some cute little mini nail polishes and I thought these were cute summer colours! These bottles are itty bitty.
 I picked up was buy one get one free.  The hardest part was deciding which "flavours."  I got cotton flower:
 And lotus flower:
 Since it's summer, I thought I would grab some pedicure this is a foot scrub.. I think? *blush*
 And a lavender foot cream!
 Next, because my hands need a little extra TLC..dry cuticles and all..I got this 2 in 1 hand & nail and see how it holds up to some of the julep products!
 This is a massage oil for hands and nail.  Not exactly sure how I'll use it yet...or maybe I can bribe my husband to help me out? ;)
 I thought this was a bit of a neat's a 3 minute mask.  It's clear so it could be fund to use!
 This is a moroccan face and hair mask.  I'm super excited to try's got Argon Oil.  I've added the LINK so you can check it out..this really is something different!
 Deep cleansing gel...
 This is another product I *really* can't wait to try..and SOON!!! I get super shiny forehead in the summer.  It doesn't even have to be hot where I'm's like my forehead KNOWS! UGH!  I can't wait to try this out and see if it does what it promises.  I think this one is worthy of a LINK as well!
 This was free sample of one of their perfumes.
 They also sent these 3 samples as well:
 My first free gift was this tote bag.  It's perfect for the beach or camping!
 My second free gift was this GIANT jar of body exfoliant..yipee!! Can't wait to get to this!
 And, if that wasn't third gift was this full size of perfume!  I prefer floral scents, so it's not my favourite..but it's one I can use on a daily basis as it contains mostly natural products (or all?) and it's not strong.

Wow, this post and reliving this shopping experience just made me giddy enough to make another order soon...BUT!!! I'm on a spending freeze.  We'll see. ;)  Maybe a cut back? haa!  Have you ordered?  Try it! Free shipping after $45 and free goodies AND samples!! SO fun.  The 3rd free gift is products valuing $50!! 

One more day until the weekend, ladies!!! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. The nail polishes are GORGEOUS! Love them!

    1. Yes! They're beautiful! I think they were only 1.50 or 2.00 each when I got them!

    2. I see they're on sale in the clearance for 1.00 now! :)

  2. The free stuff here is valued about $70 I think! It's just ONE of the 3 free gifts on right now that is valued at $50! This order here was about $70 with tax.

  3. Thanks for commenting on my blog. The nail polishes look amazing especially the peach colour

    1. You're welcome! I only tested the colours but they're all gorgeous and they go on like a dream! :)

  4. I've ordered from many many times and like you, I fell in love with them through my mom too! I'd watch her place her order by phone! The Moroccan Clay Mask is awesome! I can't use it too often because it can weigh my hair down sometimes, but I love the scent of it! You should wait until your birthday comes up! One time, I was allowed one free gift of my choosing and all I had to do was pay shipping so I ended up ordering the entire Elixir 7.9 anti-aging line because they had a $150 gift set and got it pretty much for free!

    1. The best part, is I think they're fairly natural! I buy now ask questions later. ;) Thanks for the tip on the morrocan..I have dry brittle frizzy hair..*sniff* It's also a face mask though, so if it's not good for my hair..I'm sure my face will love it! :) EEK..I didn't know about any birthday specials..I don't remember if I had to put my birthday in for the registration. You got a sweet deal!!! I think Sephora does a birthday gift too..any others? :)

  5. Never heard of this brand before!
    Loving all the goodies you got though..
    I have anything with lavender.. and the nail polishes look nice

    1. Yep and they've been around a LONG time..and I remember my mom loving it and it being of super good quality! :) I can't wait to test some of these for you guys!

  6. I go to the store every once in a while. You got some good stuff! Enjoy :)

    1. Ooohhh lucky! We don't have a physical store!

    2. They gave toe separators, a small nail clipper, heel scraper and nail brush just for visiting the store the other day (with card I got in the mail) and had the lavender foot cream for free with 10$ purchase and a promotion for the most expensive item for 20$ (no matter what the regular price is). I ended up only getting some Hamamelis body wash so I controlled myself really well. Ended up kicking myself for not getting 2 (kicking my total to 10$ and getting the free foot cream). But yay for self-restraint I guess!

    3. Yes, self-restraint is something I have so much trouble with..I am in the process of really trying to curb that. It's why I'm on a summer spending freeze. I've backed out of a couple online carts already!

      However, when I go to Quebec I will have to locate a Yves Rocher store. :)

  7. Love this blog post - I found myself agreeing with everything you said about Yves Rocher back in the day and I'm with you on the shopaholic part, girl! The spending freeze for me has only stopped right now for shoes, because I'm literally out of shoe room!

    Anyway, I digress. The things that have most caught my eye are the 3 minute and Moroccan mask and that *giant* olive oil exfoliant - I can't believe that was a free gift! That probably smells amazing.

    1. haha..I put myself on the freeze and then I saw the beauty bag over at the shopping's pretty much free... how could I resist?! Then..there was an amazing clothing sale..*sigh* I am thankful I can work full time and my husband doesn't get upset with how much I spend. I guess I shouldn't be annoyed he spent $30 on a Wilson Philips record!! I gave him a hard time about that!

      Yeh, it was free!! They have a different flavour in the clearance section right now..I didn't look all the way through, this may be in there?

  8. Oh Aleksandra , Im going to check them out NOW! :)
    Thanks girl , the polish is adorable for sure!! ,and the free stuff ... well we all love free stuff !!

    1.'ve never heard? Let me know what you ended up getting if you do. I know..if it has free in it..I'll throw money at you..*sigh* /me = sucker. :P

  9. Wow, nice to meet you :)

  10. Replies
    1. oh wow, to napewno nie znasz mojom kuzinke? :P

  11. Such a great post. Love all you recommendations.

    Gladly follow you.

